Shahabi dates

The maximum height of the Shahabi palm is 16 meters and the diameter of this tree varies from 35 to 75 centimeters. Its leaf length varies from 3 meters and 80 centimeters to 4 meters and 5 centimeters. The color of its fruit is green, yellow, brown and dark brown in the stages of Kimmeri, During, Rutab and Dates, respectively.

The texture of the fruit of this variety is hard in the Kimmeri and During stages, and it becomes soft in the wet stage and somewhat hard in the date stage. The width of this date varies between 17 and 24 mm and the weight of Shahabi dates is between 9.8 and 14 grams. The weight of the kernel of this date is between 1.09 and 1.51 grams. Compared to Kabkab and Zahedi dates, this date has a longer length.

The shape and appearance of the Shahabi dates

One of the distinctive features of this date compared to Kabkab and Zahedi dates, which are the main production of Bushehr province, is the bigger kernel of Shahabi dates compared to Kabkab and Zahedi dates. The color of this date is brown, tending to black, and the color of its spine is yellow.

Healing properties of Shahabi dates

For people who have special diets and want to know the sugar content of this product and be able to adjust their diet based on it, information about the sugar content of this date has been stated.

The amount of glucose in this date is between 16 and 67% of the weight of the tarimyeh. This amount for fructose of this product is between 0 and 49% and for sucrose it is between 0 and 16%.

Shahabi date cultivation areas

The highest amount of production of this product is in Bushehr province, especially in Dashtestan city. Out of 150 thousand tons of date production in Bushehr province, 20 thousand tons are related to Shahabi dates. Most of the cultivation of this date variety in Bushehr province is related to Barazjan city. Barazjan city is the center of Dashtestan county.

خرمای شهابی

Nutritional properties of Shahabi dates


Another therapeutic property of this product is that it has a lot of iron, which is recommended for anemia.

Treatment of osteoporosis

The calcium content in Shahabi dates is very high and therefore it is good for bones.


This date has a lot of antioxidants, which are very useful to prevent the growth of cancer cells.

Facilitate digestion

This product is rich in fiber, which is why people who have digestive problems should include it in their food basket.


This product has many vitamins, including vitamin C, B1, B2, etc., which is suitable for treating vitamin deficiency.

Relieve fatigue and muscle pain

Potassium in this product is also very useful for relieving fatigue and muscle pain, especially after hard sports.

Soothing nerves

A lot of manganese in this product soothes the nerves.

Cool tempers

The nature of this date is warm and it is very suitable for people with the nature of dam.

Weight Loss

The sugar in this date is fructose, which not only does not cause blood sugar, but is also effective for weight gain.

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